[誤] 高橋史明 →[正] 高橋史朗
[頁] 目次、9頁(論文の著者名)、ならびに10、12、14、16頁の上部
GOTO Nobu “Feature-Inheritance under Full Interpretation: Its Effects on Agree”
This paper is a revised version of Chapter 3 of my doctoral dissertation (Goto 2011c), submitted to Tohoku Gakuin University. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 67th Meeting of the English Literacy Society of Japan held at Iwate Prefectural University in November 24, 2012. I would like to thank the audience and in particular, Jun Abe, Yoshiaki Kaneko, Taichi Nakamura, Fumikazu Niinuma, and Yoshiki Ogawa for their valuable suggestions and comments.
樋渡さゆり“ I wandered lonely as a cloud”再考――1815年のワーズワスの叙情詩
本稿は日本英文学会東北支部第67回大会における口頭発表“Wordsworth’s Lyrical Poetry in 1815”(2012年11月17日、於岩手県立大学)に加筆修正を施したものである。