Taiwan Journal of English Literature

Taiwan Journal of English Literature is a new literary journal jointly published by the Department of English, National Chengchi University, and Crane Publishing CO., LTD. This journal is published annually. The journal provides a forum for the discussion of English literature and invites contributions in all areas of British, American, and other English literary and cultural studies. Formal book reviews and informal book announcements are also welcome. The language of publication is English. Submissions are accepted throughout the year. For more detailed information please visit our webpage: https://english.nccu.edu.tw/new/journal/Literature/index.htm .E-mail submissions are accepted at tjel@nccu.edu.tw; hardcopy submissions should be sent, in triplicate and a soft copy on disk, to:

 Editors, Taiwan Journal of English Literature
 The Department of English
 National Chengchi University
 64 Chih-nan Rd. Section 2
 Taipei, Taiwan 116, ROC


Taiwan Journal of English Literature

Notes for Contributors

E-mail submissions are accepted at tjel@nccu.edu.tw and hardcopy submissions should be sent, in triplicate and a soft copy on disk, to:

 Editors, Taiwan Journal of English Literature
 The Department of English
 National Chengchi University
 Taipei, Taiwan 116, ROC

Taiwan Journal of English Literature is published annually. Both Word (6.0 or above) and PDF files are acceptable. A paper should not exceed 30 pages single-spaced. Manuscripts will be sent to two reviewers immediately. The author(s) of each paper will receive five copies of the journal issue when the paper is published.

1. Please send your manuscript, a 250-word abstract, with a list of no more than 6 keywords, footnotes (if you have), and a list of works cited in the same file as a Word-attachment to tjel@nccu.edu.tw.
2. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the latest edition of MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Manuscripts (including footnotes) must be single-spaced, typeset in 12-point Times New Roman.
3. Use footnotes, not endnotes.
4. Footnotes are not used for documentation, but for more explanation.
5. To facilitate the journal’s anonymous review process, there must be no indication of personal identity or institutional affiliation in the manuscript proper. Thus, please use a separate sheet to include your name, title, affiliated institution, and contact information (email). You may cite your previous works, but please do so in the third person.
6. Taiwan Journal of English Literature will not publish submissions that are simultaneously under review elsewhere.
7. Contributors are required to correct proofs of accepted articles.
8. Before a submission can be published, the author is required to sign a release of copyright transferring all rights to Taiwan Journal of English Literature.