The 22nd Annual Conference of The HEMINGWAY Society of Japan





Dec.17 Bldg. 25 / Room-202

10:00~10:05 Opening Address: President Norio Shimamura, Chuo Univ.
10:05~12:20 Individual Presentations
10:05~10:35 Moderator: Hideo Yanagisawa, Meijo Univ.
Kei Katsui, Graduate School of Kwansei Gakuin Univ.
“A Sense of Noise: Soundscape in The Sun Also Rises”

10:40~11:10 Moderator: Akiko Manabe, Shiga Univ.
Masahiro Sekine, Graduate School of Rikkyo Univ.
“Hemingway and Pound: Their Relationship in Life and Poems”

11:15~11:45 Moderator: Hideo Kurabayashi, Kyorin Univ.
Eisuke Kawada, Seikei Univ. (Part-time Lecturer)
“Reconsidering the Unity of Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time

11:50~12:20 Moderator: Chikako Tanimoto, Nagoya Univ.
Toru Nakamura, Chuo Univ.
“Gaze, Manhood and Haunting Black Men in Hemingway’s Fiction”

12:30~14:00 Lunch Time / Joint Committee Meeting(Bldg.7/Room-102)

14:00~15:30 The 20th Anniversary Guest Lecture Prof. Debra Moddelmog, Ohio State Univ.

14:00~15:00 Lecture "The Future of Hemingway Studies"

15:00~15:30 Question Period

Moderator: Tateo Imamura, Tokyo Woman’s Christian Univ.

15:30~16:00 Coffee Break

16:00~17:00 The 20th Anniversary Special Program Open Discussion with Prof. Debra Moddelmog
Coordinator: Ai Ogasawara, Tamagawa Univ.

17:30~20:00 The 20th Anniversary Party

Dec. 18 Bldg. 23 / Room-101

10:00- 12:30 The 20th Anniversary Symposium
“Hemingway, Yeats, Pound, and the Japanese Connection”
Moderator: Tateo Imamura, Tokyo Woman’s Christian Univ.

David Ewick, Tokyo Woman’s Christian Univ.
: Toward a Cultural History of Japanese Modernism in Modernist Europe, 1910-1920

Tateo Imamura
: Hemingway, Pound, and the Japanese Artist Tamijuro Kume

Dorsey Kleitz, Tokyo Woman’s Christian Univ.
: The Noh Vortex: Ito, Pound, Yeats, and At the Hawk's Well

Akiko Manabe, Shiga Univ.
: Encounters with Fenollosa M.S. and Its Influence on the Works of Hemingway, Yeats & Pound

12:30~13:30 Anuual General Meeting
Chairperson: Secretary-General Kazuhira Maeda, Naruto Univ. of Education

13:30 Closing Address: President Norio Shimamura, Chuo Univ
