Other Meetings

Call for Papers (deadline extended)
GLOW in Asia Workshop for Young Scholars

September 7-8, 2011
Mie University, Japan

Conference Website: https://faculty.human.mie-u.ac.jp/~glow_mie/

About the Workshop:
GLOW in Asia offers a forum for presentation and discussion of advanced research in theoretical linguistics. Its conferences take place within Asia but attract participants from all over the world. As a new event that constitutes part of these GLOW in Asia conferences, Mie University (Japan) holds GLOW in Asia Workshop for Young Scholars on September 7-8, 2011. The goal of this workshop is to provide an occasion for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers, the majority of whom are expected to be from Asia, to present their research, share new ideas and findings, and discuss their issues with participants and distinguished invited speakers from various places.

Invited Speakers:
Zeljko Boskovic (University of Connecticut)
Ayesha Kidwai (Jawahar Lal Nehru University)
Mamoru Saito (Nanzan University)
Wei-Tien Dylan Tsai (National Tsing Hua University)

Call for Papers:
Abstract submissions are invited for oral or poster presentation on any aspect of theoretical linguistics. Each oral presentation will be allotted 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Since the purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for young linguists to present their work to an international audience, submissions are limited either to graduate students or to those who have received a Ph.D. within the previous 3 years. (This restriction applies not only to the first author but also to the co-authors.) We anticipate that funds will be available for presenters as some form of subsidy for travel and/or accommodation expenses. Details regarding financial support will be finalized after presenters are accepted. Proceedings for the presented papers and posters will be published online.

(a) Abstracts submitted for review should represent original, unpublished research.
(b) Abstracts should not include any author information.
(e.g. references, file name of the abstract, etc.).
(c) Each author may submit at most one individual and one joint paper.

Abstract Format:
(a) Abstracts must observe the following format:
(i) Length: No more than two A4 pages including data and references
(Data can be interspersed throughout the text.)
(ii) Font: No smaller than 12 pt., preferably in Times New Roman
(iii) Margin: 2.5cm/1 inch margins on all sides
(b) The title of the paper should appear at the top of the first page of the abstract.
(c) At least 3 keywords regarding the content of the paper should be given in the line below the title.

Abstract Submission:
(a) All abstracts must be submitted by e-mail, addressed to: glow_mie@human.mie-u.ac.jp The subject of the e-mail should be: Abstract
(b) Only abstracts in PDF file format will be accepted.
(c) Please include the following author information in the e-mail text, not in the abstract:
(i) author’s name(s)
(ii) specification of the session(s) for which you would like the abstract to be considered:
(1) only for oral presentation, (2) only for poster presentation or (3) for both
(iii) indication of student or post-doctoral status
(iv) institutional affiliation
(v) e-mail address
(vi) mailing address

Important Dates:
(a) New deadline for abstracts: May 15, 2011 (JST)
(b) Notification of acceptance: Around mid-June

Please send further inquiries to: glow_mie@human.mie-u.ac.jp.

Conference Website https://faculty.human.mie-u.ac.jp/~glow_mie/

