Full-time Job Opening in English Literature, Tohoku University
Department of English Literature
Graduate School of Arts and Letters

We have a vacancy in our teaching staff and applications for the job are welcome.

Candidate’s qualifications:
The candidate must be a native speaker of British English.
The candidate must be specializing in English Literature.
The candidate must have a PhD degree.

Job specifications:
This is a full-time job with a three year contract. The contract is renewable repeatedly if the teacher and the Dean both agree to it.
The teacher will be given the status of a full-time associate professor.
The duties of the teacher include teaching of English Literature at undergraduate and graduate levels as well as teaching English as a foreign language.
The teacher will supervise master’s and doctor’s theses.
The successful candidate will be appointed to the job on October 1, 2009.

Please send one letter of reference, three of your major publications along with your CV including a list of publications (three copies of the originals or duplications are required for each publication and a CV) to:

Professor Masahiro Hanato
Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University
27-1 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576
N.B. Please write “Application materials for English Literature” in red on the envelope.

If you would like to have the submitted documents returned to you, please enclose a self-addressed envelope. The candidate may be invited to an interview. Please understand that we cannot pay travel fares.

Closing date for applications: June 5, 2009

For more information, contact:
Professor Sho Okochi
Department of English Literature
Tohoku University
TEL & FAX: 022-795-5959
E-mail: okochi @ sal.tohoku.ac.jp

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