

論 文
マーヴェルの女嫌いの庭  再考 ............................ 吉中孝志     1
音と超越―Henry Thoreauにおける思索の方法―.............. 後藤昭次    17

書  評
蒲池美鶴著『シェイクスピアのアナモルフォーズ』............ 村上淑郎    31
吉田幸子著『ジョン・ダンの異端と正統』................... 湯浅信之    35
Deborah Payne Fisk (ed.): The Cambridge Companion
 to English Restoration Theatre ....................... 金子雄司    39
Isobel Grundy: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu:
 Comet of the Enlightenment ........................... 服部典之    43
ノヴェルの系譜』 ....................................... 荻野昌利    48
Harry E. Shaw: Narrating Reality:
 Austen, Scott, Eliot ................................. 鈴木美津子  52
Michael Slater (ed.): ‘Gone Astray’ and Other
 Papers from Household Words 1851-1859 ................ 新野  緑    56
Kathrine Clay Bassard: Spiritual Interrogations:
 Culture, Gender, and Community in Early African
 American Women’s Writing ............................ 荒このみ    61
Kevin Railey: Natural Aristocracy: History, Ideology,
 and the Production of William Faulkner ............... 中村久男    64
C. P. Biggam: Blue in Old English:
 An Interdisciplinary Semantic Study .................. 須賀川誠三  69
Laurel J. Brinton and Minoji Akimoto (eds.):
 Colocational and Idiomatic Aspects of Composite
 Predicates in the History of English ................. 寺澤 盾     72
Bernhard Wolfgang Rohrbacher: Morphology-Driven
 Syntax: A Theory of V to I Raising and Pro-Drop ...... 田中裕幸    77

雑 録
日本英文学会第24回新人賞入選発表・第25回新人賞規定 ...............    83
投稿規定 .......................................................    84


論 文
Voicing and Silencing Madness: A Reading of Jane Eyre .. 川崎明子
                           (Kawasaki, Akiko)
A Phoenix Entrapped in Dublin
 ―Mr Duffy’s Painful Case in Dubliners .............. 吉岡文夫
                           (Yoshioka, Fumio)
The Devil’s Progress: Blake, Bunyan, and
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell ....................... 佐藤 光
                            (Sato, Hikari)
The Venture of “Or/and (and/or) and/or”: Virginia Woolf’s 
 Androgyny Beyond Genres, Genders and Language ........ 高橋路子
                          (Takahashi, Michiko)
書 評
Robert Weimann: Author's Pen and Actor's Voice:
Playing and Writing in Shakespeare's Theatre ........... 青山誠子
坂本 武著『ローレンス・スターン論集―
創作原理としての感情』................................... 伊藤 誓
Caroline Field Levander: Voices of the Nation:
Women and Public Speech in Nineteenth Century
American Literature and Culture ........................ 田辺千景
 小説家マーク・トウェインの軌跡』 ....................... 本間武俊
運動/時間/知覚』..................................... 岩山太次郎
Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez: Contemporary American
Indian Literatures & the Oral Tradition ............... 望月佳重子
Sally R. Munt: Heroic Desire: Lesbian Identity and
Cultural Space ......................................... 渡部桃子
Peter Ackema: Issues in Morphosyntax ................... 由本陽子
Ronald W. Langacker: Grammar and Conceptualization ..... 谷 光生
Maarten Lemmens: Lexical Perspectives on Transitivity
and Ergativity: Causative Constructions in English .... 奥田雅信
丸田忠雄、須賀一好編『日英語の自他の交替』................ 外崎淑子
Ingo Plag: Morphological Productivity:
Structureal Constraints in English Derivation ......... 小松千明
Yael Ravin and Claudia Leacock (eds.): Polysemy:
Theoretical and Computational Approaches .............. 大室剛志
Laura Wright (ed.): The Development of Standard
English 1300-1800: Theories, Desctiptions, Conflicts .. 小野 茂

雑 録
日本英文学会第24回新人賞入選選評・第25回新人賞規定 ................
日本英文学会第73回大会報告 .......................................
寄贈本一覧 ......................................................
投稿規定 ........................................................

English Number 43 (2002)

Kosei Ono, Milton's Disenchantment with the Arthurian Legend in
 The History of Britain ............................................ 1
Kazunari Miyahara, "Alice in Hysterialand": War as a Travesty of
 Nonsense in Pat Barker's The Ghost Road .......................... 13

Mikio Inoh, Shakespeare's Pictorial Imagination: Modes and
 Mutation (Michiko Suematsu) ....................................... 31
Jonathan Bate, The Song of the Earth (Naoki Ishihata) .............. 36
Ayumi Mizukoshi, Keats, Hunt and the Aesthetics of
 Pleasure (Stephen Hedley clark) ................................... 43
Asako Nakai, The English Book and Its Marginalia:
 Colonial/Postcolonial Literatures after Heart of
 Darkness (Yoshiki Tajiri) ......................................... 52
Glair Hughes, Henry James and the Art of Dress (Shizue Ebine) ...... 60
Seamus Heaney (trans.), Beowulf: A New Translation
 (Hideki Watanabe) ................................................. 65
Arne Zettersten and Bernhard Diensberg (eds.), The English
 Text of the Ancrene Riwle: The 'Vernon' Text Edited from
 Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Eng. Poet. a. I. (Keiko Ikegami) ...... 72
Peter Collins and David Lee (eds.), The Clause in English:
 In Honour of Rodney Huddleston (Toshiya Tanaka) ................... 79
Samuel David Epstein and Norbert Hornstein (eds.),
 Working Minimal-ism (Hiroyuki Ura) ................................ 87
Olga Fischer, Ans van Kemenade, Willem Koopman and Wim van der
 Wurff, The Syntax of Early English (Madoka Murakami) ............. 94
Danny Fox, Economy and Semantic Interpretation (Hiroshi Terada) ... 104
Ray Jackendoff, Paul Bloom and Karen Wynn (eds.),
 Language, Logic, and Concepts: Essays in Memory of
 John Macnamara (Ken-ichiro Shirai) ............................... 109
Tadao Kubouchi, From Wulfstan to Richard Rolle: Papers
 Exploring the Continuity of English Prose (John Scahill) ......... 117
Lunella Mereu (ed.), Boundaries of Morphology and Syntax
 (Kunio Nishiyama) ................................................ 123
David Pesetsky, PhrasalMovement and Its Kin (Makoto Yamada) ....... 130

Synopses of the Articles Published in the Japanese Numbers, 2001 .. 139
Index: 2001-2002 .................................................. 147
