

論 文
An Elizabethan Philosopher and Machiavelli ....... Sergio Mazzarelli 1
Embodiment in Samuel Beckett’s Theater and Prose .... Michael Guest 13

書 評
辻  裕子・佐野弘子編著『神、男、そして女―――
  ミルトンの「失楽園」を読む』......................... 新井  明  33
Jean E. Howard and Phyllis Rackin: Engendering a Nation:
 A Feminist Account of Shakespeare’s English Histories
John J. Joughin (ed.): Shakespeare and National Culture 塚本  靖  37
山田昭廣著『仮面をとったシェイクスピア』............... 大矢玲子  44
 『Sentimental, Gothic, Romantic―― 十八世紀後半の
 英文学とエピステーメー――』.......................... 長尾輝彦  48
John Gordon and Veronica Hollinger (eds.): Blood Read:
 The Vampire as Metaphor in Contemporary Culture ...... 坂本  光  52
廣野由美子著『十九世紀イギリス小説の技法』 ............ 塩谷清人  57
Yoshinobu Hakutani: Richard Wright and
 Racial Discourse ..................................... 竹内美佳子 60
   もう何も言いたくない』 ............................. 岩元  巌  64
Teruyo Ueki and Gayle K. Sato (et al.): Reading
 Japanese American Literature: The Legacy of
 Three Generations  ................................... 奥田暁代  67
Philip M. Weinstein: What Else But Love?: The Ordeal
 of Race in Faulkner and Morrison
Carlo A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant
 Wittenberg (eds.): Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and
 Faulkner Re-Envisioned  .............................. 山下  昇  74
Chris Collins: Local Economy .......................... 小泉政利  80
Nomi Erteschik-Shir: The Dynamics of Focus Structure .. 田中彰一  86
John Newman: Give: A Cognitive Linguistic Study   ..... 中村芳久  91
Iggy Roca (ed.): Derivations and Constraints
 in Phonology ......................................... 三間英樹  97

雑 録
日本英文学会第22回新人賞選評・第23回新人賞規定 .................. 103
投稿規定 ........................................................ 104


論  文
'Shadows' Shadows' in A Midsummer Night's Dream ......... 吉岡文夫  107

Anti-Oedipa: Masochism, Self-Protrait, and
The Crying of Lot 49 .................................... 石割隆喜  125
A Stylistic Analysis of Middlemarch:
'Polyphony' in the Context of 'Pre-Modernism' ........... 寺西雅之  141

書  評
A. D. Nuttall, The Alternative Trinity--
Gnostic Heresy in Marlowe, Milton, and Blake-- .......... 滝沢正彦  163
Helen Vendler, The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets ......... 川西 進  167
David Willbern, Poetic Will: Shakespeare 
and the Play of Language ................................ 佐々木充  172
George Walton Williams (ed.),
Shakespeare's Speech-Headings ........................... 鳴島史之  176
Claire Tomalin, Jane Austen: A Life
David Nokes, Jane Austen: A Life ........................ 三馬志伸  180
出口保夫著『キーツとその時代』(上・下) ................ 籔下卓郎  185
原川恭一編『アメリカ文学の冒険--空間の想像力』 .......... 余田真也  189
自然・虚心・共感』 ...................................... 杉浦銀策  193
Wallace Stevens, Wallace Stevens: 
Collected Poetry and Prose .............................. 阿部公彦  198
Rosemarie Garland Tomson, Extraordinary Bodies: 
Figuring Physical Disability in 
American Culture and Literature ......................... 舌津智之  202
Lynne Vallone, Disciplines of Virtue: 
Girls' culture in the Eighteenth and
 Nineteenth Centuries ................................... 佐藤宏子  206
A. M. Di Sciullo (ed.), Projections and Interface Conditions:
Essays on Modularity .................................... 森田順也  210
Charles Forceville, Pictorial Metaphor
 in Advertising ......................................... 瀬戸賢一  215
Alessandra Giorgi and Fabio Pianesi, Tense and Aspect: 
From Semantics to Morphosyntax .......................... 有村兼彬  219
Seiji Iwata, A Lexical Network Approach to 
Verbal Semantics ........................................ 谷口一美  225
Friederike Moltmann, Parts and Wholes in Semantics ...... 鈴木高志  230
大庭幸男著『英語構文研究--素性とその照合を中心に』 ...... 中島平三  234
George Russell & George Kane(eds.), 
Piers Plowman: The C Version ............................ 田尻雅士  239

日本英文学会第22回新人賞選評・第23回新人賞規定 .................... 245
日本英文学会第71回大会報告 ........................................ 251
寄贈本一覧 ........................................................ 291
投稿規定 .......................................................... 297

English Number 2000

Miwa Saito: Tears of Blood: Charles I and the Execution Elegy ..... 1
Hikari Sato: Creative Contradiction in Proverbs of Hell: On the
 Media and Contents of The Marriage of Heaveu and Hell ........... 17
Masae Kawatsu: Wollstonecraft's Politicized Landscapes
 in Scandinavia .................................................. 37
Mitsushige Sato: The Puritan Hall of Fame: Anne Bradstreet and
 the Renaissance Art of Memory ................................... 55
Junji Hamamatsu: The Licensing of Genitive Case and DP-internal
 Topicalization in Egnlish ....................................... 67

Zdzislaw Najder: Courad in Perspectjve: Essays on Art and
 Fideljty (Asako Nakai) .......................................... 87
Nicole Tonkovich: Domesticily with a Differeuce: The Nonfiction of
 Catherine Beecher, Sarah J. Hale, Fanny Fern, Margaret Fuller
Gregg Camfield: Necessary Madness: The Humor of Domesticity in
 the Nineteenth-Ceutury American Literature (Keiko Beppu) ........ 91
Shoko Miura: The Rise of the Trickster in Melville and
 Ellison (Takashi Aso) ........................................... 99
Pilar Barbosa et al. (eds.): Is the Best Good Enough?
 (Masayuki Wakayama) ............................................. 105
Zeljko Boskovic: The Syntax of Nonfinite Complementation:
 An Economy Approach (Minoru Amanuma) ............................ 111
Peter W. Culicover and Louise McNally (eds.): Syntax and 
 Semantics 29: The Limits of Syntax (Yoshiaki Kaneko) ............ 117
Charles J. Fillmore: Lectures on Deixis (Tomoko Yasutake) ......... 123
Fengh-Hsi Liu: Scope and Specificity (Norimi Kimura) .............. 129
Ton van der Wouden: Negative Contexts: Collocation, Polarity and
 Multiple Negation (Akiko Yoshimura) ............................. 136

Synopses of the Articles Published in the Japanese Numbers,
 1999 ............................................................ 143
Index: 1999-2000 .................................................. 149
