Job Description for a Tenured Position in Literature

Sophia University, Tokyo, invites applications for an open-rank (lecturer, associate professor, or full professor) tenured position in modern and contemporary literature. The position will be part of the Comparative Culture Program in the new Faculty of Liberal Arts (the present Faculty of Comparative Culture) starting in 2006. Applicants must demonstrate a capacity to teach and conduct research in a comparative perspective, which may include themes of cultural contacts, encounters between Asian and Western traditions, literature and religion, literature and art, literature and film. Area specialization is open. Applicants must have publications commensurate with rank and be committed to quality teaching at the introductory and advanced levels. Knowledge of Japanese and expertise in more than one language will be highly desirable. Applicants must be willing to participate in department and university administration and activities.
The successful candidate must have a doctorate in a literature program by the time of employment. The language of instruction is English. The appointment will be effective from April 1 or October 1, 2006. Applications should include a cover letter (outlining academic background, research interests, teaching abilities, and reasons for the applicant's interest in seeking employment in Japan), a curriculum vitae, the names and addresses of three referees, and a brief description of courses the applicant has taught or would be prepared to develop. All applications should be postmarked no later than October 1, 2005, and addressed to:

Professor Richard Gardner, Dean
Faculty of Comparative Culture, Sophia University
4 Yonban-cho, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-0081, JAPAN

For further information, see our web-site at or contact Prof. Valerie Ozaki at