Call for Papers: the 92nd ELSJ Annual General Meeting
ELSJ calls for papers for the 92nd ELSJ Annual General Meeting, which is to be held at the University of the Ryukyus, on May 16 & 17 2020. Proposals must follow the guidelines as below:
The Guidelines for Papers to Be Submitted In English
Proposals for papers will be accepted only from current Members of the Society. The annual membership fee should be paid prior to the time of submission.
Submitted papers must NOT have been previously presented, published or accepted for publication. They must NOT be under review elsewhere, either.
Please send us the following three items in separate electronic files. The files must be created in Microsoft Office Word (.doc / .docx), Rich Text Format (.rtf) or, if you don't need any special style like italics, simple Text format (.txt).
Synopsis of the paper: it must be written in 600-750 words (use 12 pt, Times New Roman, 60 strokes by 30 lines a page) excluding title, notes and references/works cited. The title must be shown on the top and written in English so that your presentation is supposed to be performed in English. If by any chance you need languages other than English to write your title, you must put "(Presented in English)" at the end of it. Please make sure that this contains no author-identifying information or acknowledgements.
Abstract of the synopsis: it must be approximately 150 words long. The title must be shown on top and written in English so that your presentation is supposed to be performed in English. If by any chance you need languages other than English to write your title, you must put "(Presented in English)" at the end of it. Please make sure that this contains no author-identifying information or acknowledgements. Please note that, if your proposal is accepted, this abstract will appear as submitted in the Annual General Meeting Programme, which is to be delivered to all ELSJ members in March.
Cover Letter: it must include your name, affiliated institution, position / status, contact address, phone number, and e-mail address. N.B. If you are a student member, you are also required to indicate it in your cover letter.
The deadline for proposals is November 1, 2019. They must reach the ELSJ Office by this date.
Screening of proposals and allocation of dates and rooms will be carried out by the Organizing Committee. Members who have submitted proposals will be informed of the Committee's decision by December 16, 2019.
Participants are allotted 30 minutes to present their papers, which is followed by another 10 minutes for questions from the audience.
How To Submit a Proposal
Please use the Web Entry Form.
Those who use it need not attach a cover letter.
If you have any problem with using the web system above mentioned and want to submit your paper by e-mail, please send your synopsis, abstract and cover letter to
, with "Paper Proposal" in the Subject line.
If you want to submit your proposal by postal mail, please get in touch with
. You will be asked to send a storage media and hard copies to the ELSJ Office.
File names should begin with four digits of the submitted date, your first and last names, followed by a hyphen, "synopsis / abstract/ letter" and an appropriate extension.
e.g. "0918john-smith-synopsis.doc" (This means that a John Smith submitted his synopsis on September 18 as a .doc file.)
After receiving the submission, the ELSJ Office will send an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail.
If you do not receive the acknowledgment within a week, there is a possibility of your proposal failing to reach the ELSJ Office. In such a case, you are recommended to get in touch with the ELSJ Office by e-mail, fax or telephone (03-5261-1922). Failure to do so could result in the proposal being left out from the screening process.
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