

優柔で、不安な女性の慈善〜 Mary WollstonecraftのMaryとその背景 ・・・・・大石和欣    1
(The Ambiguity and Uncertainty of Female Philanthropy:
 Mary Wollstonecraft's Mary and Its Background)                  (Oishi, Kazuyoshi)
帝国を「看護」する―フローレンス・ナイティンゲールのNotes on NursingLife or Death in India・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・市川千恵子  15
(Caring for the British Empire-Florence Nightingale's Notes on Nursing
 and Life or Death in India)                                     (Ichikawa, Chieko)
社会における"protoplasm" ―The Waste Land における階級の表象―・・・・・・出口菜摘   29
("Protoplasm" of Society as an Organism: Or Representations
 of the Lower Middle Class in The Waste Land)                    (Deguchi, Natsumi)
あやふやな起源――Henry GreenのBackにおけるduplicity――・・・・・・・・・北川依子   43
(Uncertain Origins: Duplicity in Henry Green's Back)             (Kitagawa, Yoriko)
Ireland is 'Nowhere':批評家Beckettとアイリッシュ・ポストコロニアリズム・・川島 健  57
(Ireland is 'Nowhere': The Critic Beckett
 and Irish Postcolonialism)                                    (Kawashima, Takeshi)
豊かさの向こう側――Stephen Crane, Maggieにおけるメディア・暴力・貧困・・・里内克巳  69
(Beyond This Side of Abundance: Media, Violence, and Poverty
 in Stephen Crane's Maggie)                                     (Satouchi, Katsumi)
Sanctuaryにおける不能の父・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・諏訪部浩一  83
(The Impotent Father in Sanctuary)                                 (Suwabe, Koichi)
『ロリータ』におけるフランス語使用の問題・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・秋草俊一郎 97
(On Humbert's Use of the French Language in Lolita)          (Akikusa, Shun'ichiro)
Steve EricksonのArc d'Xにおける私語りと主体の倫理・・・・・・・・・・・・・山口和彦 111
(Narrating the Self and the Ethical Subject
  in Steve Erickson's Arc d'X)                                (Yamaguchi, Kazuhiko)

A 'Happy Multicultural Land' in Periodontal Terms:
  Zadie Smith's White Teeth・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・板倉厳一郎 125
                                                              (Itakura, Gen'ichiro)
Race and Aesthetics in William Faulkner's Light in August: From Racial Politics
  in the Civil War to Formalist Aesthetics in the Cold War・・・・・・・・源中由記  143
                                    (Gennaka, Yuki)

榎本太著『十八世紀イギリス小説とその周辺』・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・楜澤雅子  161
河内恵子著『深淵の旅人たち――ワイルドとF・M・フォードを中心に』・・・・・武藤浩史  164
杉山寿美子著『アベイ・シアター 1904−2004』・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・岩田美喜  168
亀井俊介監修・平石貴樹編『アメリカ――文学史・文化史の展望』・・・・・・・小田敦子  172
柴田元幸著『アメリカン・ナルシス』・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・武藤脩二  176
 一橋大学言語社会研究科国際シンポジウムの記録』・・・・・・・・・・・・鵜殿えりか  181
高橋雄一郎著『身体化される知――パフォーマンス研究』・・・・・・・・・・一ノ瀬和夫  185
齊藤昇著『ワシントン・アーヴィングとその時代』・・・・・・・・・・・・・・大井浩二  188
鷲津浩子著『時の娘たち』・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・高尾直知  192
羽田美也子著『ジャポニズム小説の世界――アメリカ編』・・・・・・・・・・・中地 幸  197
John Lowe (ed.), Bridging Southern Cultures:
 An Interdisciplinary Approach・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・利根川真紀  200
「小説」というものの魔法について』・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・石割隆喜  204
Renaat Declerck and Susan Reed, Conditionals:
 A Comprehensive Empirical Analysis・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・岩部浩三 209
Rochelle Lieber, Morphology and Lexical Semantics・・・・・・・・・・・・・堀内裕晃 213
Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman, What is Morphology?・・・・・・・・・・深澤はるか 218
Vyvyan Evans, The Structure of Time:
 Language, Meaning and Temporal Cognition ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・篠原和子  222
本多啓著『アフォーダンスの認知意味論――生態心理学から見た文法現象』・・・定延利之  226

日本英文学会第29回新人賞選評・第30回新人賞規定                                      231
寄贈本一覧                                                                          236
投稿規定                                                                            240
編集委員会からのお知らせ                                                            243

ENGLISH NUMBER 48 (2007)(2007年3月15日発行)

Chikako Sawada, Muriel Spark's The Finishing School and Postmodern Endings   1
Mikayo Sakuma, Emerson's Proto-Evolutionary Idea: Its Formation
 in Transatlantic Contexts                                                  21
Akiko Sonoda, Brander Matthews on American Literary Independence
 and International Copyright                                                41

Andrew M. Stauffer, Anger, Revolution, and Romanticism (Kazuyoshi Oishi)    57
Nicholas Roe (ed.), Leigh Hunt: Life, Poetics, Politics
Nicholas Roe, Fiery Heart: The First Life of Leigh Hunt (Mie Gotoh)         65
Joel Faflak and Julia M. Wright (eds.), Nervous Reactions:
 Victorian Recollections of Romanticism (Kazuo Oikawa)                      73
Sarah Wootton, Consuming Keats: Nineteenth-Century Representations
 in Art and Literature (Yoshikazu Suzuki)                                   80
Janis McLarren Caldwell, Literature and Medicine in Nineteenth-Century
 Britain: From Mary Shelley to George Eliot (Kazuko Oguro)                  86
Michael Bell, Keith Cushman, Takeo Iida, & Hiro Tateishi (eds.),
 D. H. Lawrence: Literature, History, Culture (Shunji Suzuki)               94
Jewel Spears Brooker (ed.), T. S. Eliot:
 The Contemporary Reviews (Shun'ichi Takayanagi)                           100
Tsuyoshi Ishihara, Mark Twain in Japan: The Cultural Reception
 of an American Icon (Mary A. Knighton)                                    107
Stephen J. Bottoms, Playing Underground: A Critical History
 of the 1960s Off-Off- Broadway Movement (Tomoko Kusuhara)                 117
Donka Minkova, Alliteration and Sound Change
 in Early English (Masao Okazaki)                                          124
Christian J. Kay and Jeremy J. Smith (eds.), Categorization
 in the History of English (Ryuichi Hotta)                                 132
Bettelou Los, The Rise of the To-Infinitive (Shin Oshima)                  141
Olga Fischer, Muriel Norde and Harry Perridon (eds.),
 Up and Down the Cline: The Nature of Grammaticalization (Shinji Uchioke)  148
Susumu Kuno and Ken-ichi Takami, Functional Constraints in Grammar:
 On the Unergative-Unaccusative Distinction (Shoichi Tanaka)               156
Hagit Borer, Structuring Sense Volume II: The Normal Course
 of Events (Hideki Kishimoto)                                              165
Edwin Williams, Representation Theory (Takeo Kurafuji)                     175
Arthur Stepanov, Gisbert Fanselow, and Ralf Vogel (eds.),
 Minimality Effects in Syntax (Yoshihiro Munemasa)                         190
Howard Lasnik and Juan Uriagereka, A Course in Minimalist Syntax:
 Foundations and Prospects (Hiroto Hoshi)                                  199


Synopses of the Articles Published in the Japanese Number, 2006            211
Index: 2006-2007                                                           225